How to Sound and Feel Confident When De-escalating Angry Customers

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One of the most challenging aspects of customer service is dealing with angry and upset customers. Often, these situations can escalate quickly, leading to negative consequences for both the customer and the company. This article will explore customer service de-escalation techniques to help you sound confident when dealing with challenging customers.


De-escalation calms a situation and prevents it from escalating into a more severe conflict. In customer service, de-escalation involves using various communication skills and strategies to defuse tensions, resolve issues, and maintain a positive relationship with the customer. This article will delve into the multiple aspects of de-escalation, including how to speak confidently, use language choices that promote calmness, and maintain control during difficult conversations.


By mastering these techniques, you can provide better customer service and build a stronger rapport with your customers, increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction. So, let's begin with some tips on how to speak confidently when saying no or denying a request.

How to Speak with a Confident Tone When Saying No or Denying a Request


Use a firm but polite tone.

When denying a request from an angry customer, it's crucial to use a firm but polite tone. This means speaking, maintaining a steady pace, and using a voice level that is neither loud nor soft. A confident tone will help you convey authority and professionalism while showing empathy and understanding for the customer's situation.

Provide a clear and concise explanation.

It's essential to clearly and concisely explain why the request cannot be granted. This helps the customer understand your reasoning and can prevent further frustration. Avoid using vague or ambiguous language, leading to confusion and exacerbating the situation. Be honest and transparent, and offer an alternative solution or compromise to address the customer's concerns.

Stay calm and composed.

When saying no to an angry customer, remaining calm and composed is essential. This involves controlling your emotions, maintaining a neutral facial expression, and using positive body language. By staying composed, you can avoid escalating the situation and demonstrate that you are a professional who can handle difficult situations.

Two minutes to supreme confidence

The number 1 thing it takes to get customers to accept your word as final and get angry customers to back down is…CONFIDENCE. In this video, you’ll learn a 2-minute exercise that reduces the stress hormone cortisol while boosting the power hormone!


Words and Phrases That Make You Sound Confident When Talking to Customers


Use "I" statements

Using "I" statements, such as "I realize this whole thing is frustrating for you" or "I can see your point on that," can help you sound confident and assertive while also demonstrating empathy for the customer's situation. "I" statements allow you to take ownership of your actions and show that you actively listen to the customer's concerns.

Avoid filler words and phrases.

Filler words, such as "um," "uh," and "like," can make you sound uncertain and less confident. Instead, practice speaking clearly and concisely, and pause briefly to gather your thoughts. This will help you convey confidence and professionalism.

Use positive language

Using positive language, such as "yes," "certainly," and "absolutely," can help you sound more confident and assertive. Positive language can also create a more optimistic tone, which can be beneficial when dealing with angry customers.

Check out my article, 57 Phrases to De-escalate Any Angry Customer!


Vocal Techniques to Get Angry Customers to Back Down

Lower your voice

When dealing with angry customers, it can be helpful to lower your voice slightly. This can create a calming effect on the customer and encourage them to lower their voice. When both parties speak calmly, resolving issues and reaching a resolution are more manageable.

Match their speaking pace.

Matching the customer's speaking pace can help establish rapport and make them feel heard and understood. If the customer babbles, try to match their pace without sacrificing clarity. Once you have established rapport, you can gradually slow your speaking pace to encourage the customer to do the same.

Pause strategically

Strategic pauses can be a powerful tool in de-escalating angry customers. Pausing lets you gather your thoughts, maintain conversation control, and actively listen to customer concerns. In addition, a well-timed pause can create a sense of anticipation, encouraging the customer to pay closer attention to what you have to say.

Building confidence in your de-escalation approach


Practice active listening

Active listening is a crucial skill for de-escalating angry customers. By listening carefully to the customer's concerns, you can better understand their needs, demonstrate empathy, and build rapport. To practice active listening, consciously focus on the customer's words, maintain eye contact, and ask clarifying questions when necessary.

Develop a toolbox of de-escalation techniques.

Having a variety of de-escalation techniques at your disposal can help you feel more confident and prepared when dealing with difficult customers. These techniques may include empathetic statements, acknowledging the customer's feelings, and offering solutions or compromises. The more comfortable you are with these techniques, the more confident you will feel when using them in challenging situations.

Reflect on past experiences.

Take time to reflect on past experiences with angry customers and consider what worked well and what could be improved. This can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies for strengthening your de-escalation skills.

Tips for maintaining control during de-escalation conversations


Set boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining control during de-escalation conversations. This may involve stating that you will not tolerate abusive language or behavior or explaining that specific requests are outside your control. Setting clear boundaries helps prevent the situation from escalating and maintains a sense of professionalism.

Stay focused on the issue at hand.

When dealing with angry customers, staying focused on the issue at hand and avoiding becoming sidetracked by unrelated topics or personal attacks is essential. Maintaining focus can help ensure that the conversation remains productive and solution-oriented.

Manage your emotions

Managing your emotions is crucial for maintaining control during de-escalation conversations. This involves recognizing and acknowledging your feelings and taking steps to prevent them from interfering with your ability to communicate effectively. Techniques for managing emotions may include deep breathing, grounding exercises, or taking a brief break if necessary.

Check out De-escalation Academy!


Language choices that promote calmness and understanding


Use empathetic statements

Empathetic statements, such as "I understand how frustrating this must be" or "I can see why you're upset," can help promote calmness and understanding. Demonstrating empathy can validate the customer's feelings and show that you are genuinely interested in resolving the issue. Check out these fantastic empathy statements!

Use neutral language

Using neutral language can help prevent further escalation by avoiding blame or judgment. Instead of saying, "You're wrong," try using phrases such as "I understand your perspective, but our policy states…" or "I can see how you would feel that way, but our records show…". This approach can help maintain a respectful and professional tone.

Provide reassurance

Reassuring the customer that you are working to resolve the issue promotes calmness and understanding. Phrases such as "We're here to help" or "We'll do everything we can to make this right" convey your commitment to finding a solution.

How to Get Customers to Accept Your Words As Final


Be clear and decisive.

When providing a final resolution, it's crucial to be clear and decisive. This means stating your decision confidently and unambiguously and avoiding any language that could be interpreted as uncertain or open to negotiation.

Offer a clear rationale.

Providing a clear rationale for your decision can help the customer accept your words as final. Explain the reasons behind your decision, and refer to any relevant policies or guidelines that support your position. This provides a sense of legitimacy to your decision and makes it more difficult for the customer to challenge.

Express empathy and understanding.

Even when delivering a final decision that the customer may not be happy with, it's important to express empathy and understanding. Acknowledge the customer's feelings and show that you have taken their concerns seriously. This can help maintain a positive relationship with the customer, even if they may not be delighted with the outcome.


The role of contact center de-escalation training


One of the most effective ways to build confidence in your de-escalation approach is through contact center de-escalation training. This training can give you the skills and strategies necessary to handle difficult customer interactions confidently and professionally. 

De-escalation training typically covers various topics, including active listening, empathy, effective communication, and conflict resolution. It may also include role-playing exercises and simulations that allow you to practice your de-escalation skills in a safe and controlled environment.

In addition to building your confidence and skills, de-escalation training can benefit your organization. By providing consistent and effective customer service, you can help increase customer loyalty, reduce customer churn, and promote positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Conclusion and key takeaways

De-escalating angry customers is a challenging but essential aspect of customer service. Using the techniques and strategies outlined in this article, you can sound confident when dealing with difficult customers, maintain conversation control, and promote calmness and understanding.


Some key takeaways from this article include using a firm but polite tone when denying requests, using positive language and "I" statements, and matching the customer's speaking pace. It's also important to practice active listening, develop a toolbox of de-escalation techniques, and reflect on past experiences to identify areas for improvement.


Finally, consider investing in contact center de-escalation training, which can give you the skills and strategies necessary to handle difficult customer interactions confidently and professionally. With the right approach and mindset, you can turn angry customers into loyal advocates for your business.






Check Out Our Most Popular Training - De-escalation Academy!

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