I'm in San Diego this week to facilitate a workshop on de-escalation for customer service

I'm in San Diego this week to facilitate a workshop on de-escalation for customer service for Liberty Military Housing at Your Service Call Center. My de-escalation training has evolved into an inspirational focus on building confidence and assertiveness to make your word the final answer.
Stories, engaging exercises, table discussions, and humor.
You should hit me up to bring me in to your next event.
Above: The fabulous leadership team at Liberty At Your Service Call Center!
One of the several gifts the team gave me!
Customized On-site Customer Service & De-escalation Training
My engaging training with your employees focuses on the soft elements of service – the sound, flow, and feel, so that your employees go back to work fully prepared and inspired to express the soul of your brand over every contact channel and assured of their ability to handle challenging customers.
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