When a customer demands someone from the United States or someone whose first language is English, what do you do?

customer support across languages q & a

I'm on my YouTube channel reading comments and questions, and this question from a subscriber stood out for me.


When a customer demands someone from the United States or someone whose first language is English, what do you do?

Here's my answer.

I'm sorry you have to deal with customers who are petty and offensive. It's not fair. Here's what you should do.

You should address customer concerns while adhering to your company's policies and avoiding sounding defensive when they demand someone from the United States. 

Start by acknowledging the customer's request and reassuring them that high-quality support is your top priority. If you have native English-speaking agents available, you might consider connecting the customer with one of them. In any case, assure the customer that you are well-equipped to handle their concerns. You may consider document translation or interpretation services to facilitate communication if a language barrier persists. 

Always keep a professional and inclusive attitude while being sensitive to customer needs.

If you need help preparing agents for supporting customers across languages, check out my LinkedIn Learning Course: Customer Service - How to Deliver Support Across Languages.

Check Out Our Most Popular Training - De-escalation Academy!

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