Enrollment Options ->

Prepare your team to redirect challenging interactions and deliver a fantastic customer experience!
Enroll Your Team Now!

Prepare your team to redirect challenging interactions and deliver a fantastic customer experience!
Enroll Your Team Now!Your employees are about to discover effective techniques that will help them for years and years!

Office Hours
A couple of times a month I hold office hours inside the digital classroom. My office hours are the perfect opportunity for your employees to ask me questions about their toughest situations. Sit in on the first Office Hours session I held on YouTube here.

Certificates of Achievement
When students complete the lessons and assessments, they earn certificates suitable for framing! We encourage students to add their achievements on their resume and LinkedIn profile.

Engaging, Fun, Behavior-changing Training
We've condensed my interactive and fun onsite customer service training – workshops I've delivered to companies like Coca-Cola, Vera Bradley, Frito-Lay, and McDonald's – down to the fundamentals. Your employees get the full sensory experience of my training online.